Thursday, July 30, 2015

Lost and Found - Sacha

Maybe she’s not anymore, but when Sacha was very young, she was quite vain. She would choose only dresses that had matching bags, and she liked looking at herself in the mirror a lot. She also fancied jewelry, and would often play with my pearl necklaces.

Once, we were attending Sunday Mass when we noticed that Sacha left our pew and was nowhere in sight. John and I had to leave Ching Ching and Kathy with Yaya Ninfa to look for her. We found her, right away, as she did not go far, but we were amused by what we saw. Our youngest daughter, then maybe two or three years old, was checking her reflection on the church’s glass door. Her hands were over her head, and she was tiptoeing like a ballerina, completely oblivious of the solemnity of the church ceremony, or of her worried parents who were frantically looking for her.

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